I would say this feature falls under profile and issue/idea. Not only do you get a sense of who Michael Vick is as a person, but it mainly deals with a snippet of his life. It does not fall under a typical profile feature which generally talks about someone's full life.

It is told in the third person view and the writer's voice is very professional. He tells you the facts, but also wants to portray Vick as a good guy. Mistakes are a part of life and it's unfortunate that Vick had to go through this, but ultimately it made him who he is today.
Having already heard parts of this story, it was nice to finally fill in the missing parts. I have always been a big fan of Vick and still am to this day. I think it is unfair for him to have been punished the way he was compared to other NFL players who have gotten away with murder and rape, but I guess that's just how it goes sometimes. Overall I really liked this piece and it was nice to see that a role model I had as a kid was able to turn a bad situation into a life-altering style change.