Thursday, November 17, 2011

How to Build that Digital Audience

After reading chapter 11 in Mark Briggs book, "Journalism Next," I learned a lot about how to build an online audience for your blog or website. The chapter talks about tracking your content, web analytics, search engine optimization, effective headline writing for the Web and distribution through social media.

I have learned most of this through the blogs I have created and writing for Bleacher Report.

The main points I would reiterate are strong headlines and keywords. If you are going to get hits from your writing, this is how it will happen. Your headlines and keywords can then be accessed from Google and this will help in getting people to view your blog.

It is also a good idea to distribute your content through the social media world, like Facebook and Twitter. You not only get your friends to get you hits, but they can then pass it along to their friends and so on and so forth.

Last but not least, the blogs you create make it manageable for you to track who is reading it and where it is primarily coming from. Your website traffic can be a very handy tool for business and marketing research. Basically, the web analytics track the page views and number of visitors on your site.

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